Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Today my class will proudly stand on stage and sing the songs we have been tirelessly learning for weeks. During rehearsal each day I've caught myself getting teary-eyed as I set my eyes upon my students,  reflecting on how far each has come. One of my sweet boys, who often does his "own thing", spinning like a top around the room, dropping a trail of papers under his desk,or eating crayons and other unsavory objects, has learned every word to every song. Yesterday during our rehearsal on the risers, he sang AND proudly performed the hand motions to each song. In his own time, not in the time of the pacing guides, and not demonstrated with a paper and pencil, he has learned. He has blossomed. And he will continue, in his own time and way.
Although today is the celebration of our year in kindergarten, every day can be a day to stop, reflect and admire the growth of our kids. Many will follow a path quite different than the ones we've created for them and that's okay. What matters most is for us to cherish their growth, encourage them to embrace challenges, empower their hearts and minds to strive for the best they can be, today and every day.


  1. What a great blog post! You're absolutely right! These children are very lucky to have a teacher that celebrates all of these successes and cherishes each and every child!

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It is so important for us to honour the learning and growth our kids make... and to accept the diverse ways and rates in which this happens! Enjoy your year end celebration with your kids!!

  3. thank you for allowing our children to "flourish" in their own way, on their own time. we were blessed to have you as david's teacher. and being able to observe you (the little time that I did), i know i will be a better parent because of it. thank you so much. you will be missed!!!

  4. Thank you all for your kind words. Today was absolutely wonderful, watching my kids sing their hearts out for their parents. It has been an incredible year of growth for them and for me!

  5. Congratulations! It can be so bittersweet when an school year ends. Thanks for sharing.

  6. From one K teacher to another, this was lovely. You are truly making kindergarten a garden where the children can grow. :)
