Saturday, November 13, 2010

Visual Reminders

This student is becoming more aware that she needs to slow down and be careful with directions! She often works speedily!

This student understands the need to stay calm for a test!
This student doesn't talk very much in class but would like to more!

As you can see, slowing down is a goal for several students in my class!
Side conversations take away from our learning. Why not share your great observations and thoughts with everyone?

Yes, it's another reminder to work slowly and steadily.

This student is not happy when his/her desk is messy!

This student knows the importance of cooling off when upset.

The picture above refers to a student who wants to go even faster with math facts!
This student wants to remind herself to calm down at times and not get over excited and disruptive.

At the beginning of this week, fresh and energized by their long weekend, students discussed strategies to help them achieve the learning and behavior goals they set for Quarter 2 and beyond. All agreed that a visual reminder of a picture and/or words might direct us to be mindful of “how” to achieve that goal. What’s my goal in this? I want students to become more aware of and actively participate in the actions that lead them to increased engagement and meaningful learning!

The pictures, affixed to their desks and shared above, reveal the keen awareness of our learners. They know “what” they want to work on and are working on “how” to carry it out. I am very impressed by the students in my class!


  1. What a wonderful way for students to be self-reflective! The visual representations of their goals will be a constant reminder.

  2. As a primary teacher, I really see the importance in using visuals, and I think that what you did here is great! Wow! What reflective learners. Now I'm just thinking about how I can do something similar with my students too.

    Thanks for sharing the great idea!

  3. Thanks so much. This post was so obvious and yet the idea of student created visuals, and thereby ownership of the goal, went right by me.

  4. Great Idea! So simple, yet so much more meaningful than just having kids write their thoughts and forget about them. Thanx for sharing.

  5. Thanks so much for the comments! It's funny how a fleeting thought during a parent teacher conference inspired me to try this. All of my students jumped in, excited to make their visual. Some made more than one!

  6. I love the idea of visual reminders. It has inspired me to try it with my 4th graders. Thanks!

  7. I like your post and the way you structure your column t’was so cool. Keeps it going and I’ll keep coming back.
