Wednesday, March 30, 2011

But Wait..There's More! Gratitude for our PLN

After I posted last night about some of my learning from #ASCD11, I realized that I had not adequately thanked all who so graciously contributed to the presentation, Beyond the Classroom Walls, Connecting in a Globalized World.
First off, a great big thanks to my fabulous co-presenter, Lisa Dabbs, also a wonderful blogger at, who worked tirelessly on telling our story in a beautiful slideshow. She also spent countless hours preparing a Livebinder resource for folks to utilize after our presentation.  Lisa and I live 400 miles away from each other and prepared together in many conversations over Skype! She, however, did most of the work, and I just can't express my gratitude in words. Lisa is one of those people everyone should have in their network.
Second, thank you to all of the folks who so generously took the time to tell their stories of connecting globally: Clive, Greta, Aviva, Jo and Phil, Colin, Alex, and Steve. These inspiring educators graciously spent time creating fabulous snippets of their work to highlight the incredible value of online relationships and learning opportunities.
If you follow me on Twitter, you can find them all there, sharing each day how they enliven their practice with online tools.
Finally, thank you to all of the wonderful members of our personal learning network, who came to our presentation, and/or supported us through tweets and messages of encouragement. It's not easy to stand up in a room of peers and talk for 90 minutes, but all of you helped by sharing the message that Lisa and I set out to convey.
Hopefully, I have not left anyone out here, but if I have, there will surely be more posts on the wonderful learning experience of ASCD11. Who would you like to thank today?

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