Friday, July 8, 2011

The Gift of Mentoring..a Year Later

It's been a year since my fabulous intern, Nicole, aka "Miss Harrington," and I went our separate ways. At the end of last school year, as she got her credential and wondered how she would ever find a job in this terrible economic climate, I moved on, to a new grade at a new school, hopeful for her and thankful for the wonderful year we spent as intern and mentor.

In August, I was thrilled to get the call that she got hired at my former school, just days before school began, was going to teach in kindergarten in "our" former room, with lots of the goodies I gifted to her as I left for my big move to 4th grade. Many hours of my commute this year were spent listening to her and brainstorming ideas with her about her very young class. Each conversation left me inspired and grateful: not just to know her, but to have learned so much from our time together in the classroom and to continue to learn as we hashed through problems aloud, laughing our way to possible solutions.

Today, as I wandered through my old weebly blog of my kindergarten class (2009-2010) I serendipitously stumbled upon her beautiful portfolio video that she made at the end of our year together.  I  messaged her immediately, asking if I could share it here. As I've gotten more involved in working with new teachers, with my friend Lisa Dabbs and her awesome work with Edutopia and the New Teacher Boot Camp and chat, I know that stories can inspire, especially when times are tough.

So, sit back, enjoy the video, and think about how you might be able to support and learn with another wonderful young teacher like Miss Harrington. Here's to you, Nicole!


  1. What an amazing video she put together. The students look like they had a fantastic time in her classroom. I'm sure she got a lot of great advice from you. She's very lucky to have had you as her cooperating teacher and mentor for her first year teaching. Wouldn't it be wonderful for every beginning teacher to have someone to call when they are feeling the pressures of teaching? She's learning from the best.

  2. Thanks so much April! Those were actually our kids that we shared during our year together. I miss them and her so much!
    I really appreciate you taking the time to comment here. It means so much to me :-)

  3. Hi Joan,
    This is such a fabulous video. I love the video of your class mixed with the quotes. Very inspirational and insightful! A new teacher would be blessed to start her career in your room, and I believe her video captures that. So glad to hear she continued at your former school.
    Kind regards,
