Wednesday, July 4, 2012

ISTE12 Reflections: Lessons Shared Through Pictures

For my second ISTE12 post, I thought it would be fun to try a new tool: jux, a picture, slideshow site, so here it is:

ISTE12: Reaching New Levels of Learning Together 

How will you try something new and "take the stairs' to becoming a better educator?


  1. Hi Joan,

    I absolutely loved this slide show! What a fantastic way to reflect.

    How will I try something new and take it to the stairs? I have several teachers interested in integrating Edmodo into their classrooms. I let them know that it's a new platform for me, so if they are willing to learn alongside with me, then I'm willing to help them out.

    While that goal is about learning a new platform, the conversations need to be focused on how this would help our learners? How can we connect with others beyond the four walls of the classroom?

    Kind regards,

  2. Hi Tracy! Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I love the way you describe learning with teachers who will be integrating Edmodo. I have found that the safe space on Edmodo helps students learn how to comment, interact, and have conversations that lead them to deeper learning. There are so many benefits, from the student who is a slower processor having plenty of time to compose a reply, to a quieter student who may not talk in class but has much to add to discussions. We always need to be thinking of the ultimate goal: how will this help our learners. Edmodo is great too because we can connect with those we choose outside our own 4 walls. It is a great stepping stone to other collaborations. Thanks for making me think more deeply!
