Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Don't Worry...Take Deep Breaths..

I'm one of those people who is always making up new lyrics to songs. Sometimes zany, sometimes unrepeatable for a myriad of reasons, it's something that just comes naturally to me. You can imagine, then, the heaven I was in when I went to a session this summer on creating parodies for learning with Diane Main at ISTE12, a tech conference in San Diego. She showed us how to use Garageband to create new versions of popular songs.

I am in the process of writing songs for 4th grade as well as creating an app that will allow students and teachers to take original lyrics, line by line, and create new lyrics that match the rhythm and rhyme of the song.

If you're a Bob Marley fan like I am, you'll know this song, Three Little Birds.

 One night, as I thought about the importance of teaching kids to breathe deeply and learn some ideas of mindfulness, this song came to me. Of course, it's a work in progress and I will probably let my students help me out with the lyrics!

Three Little Breaths lyrics

Don't worry, take deep breaths
Cause every little breath's gonna turn out right
Singin': Don't worry, take deep breaths
'Cause every little breath's gonna turn out right!"

Woke up this morning
Started with mindfulness
3 big deep breaths
to start my day right
Calming my mind
Helping me to focus more
Sayin': This day is gonna be aw-awe-some.  

Don't worry, take deep breaths
Cause every little breath's gonna turn out right
Singin': Don't worry, take deep breaths
'Cause every little breath's gonna turn out right!"

When I record it, I will definitely share. Thanks, Diane Main, for the inspiration!

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