“What I like” today?
His sweet little voice echoes in my head. Isaac, my 2 year
old grandson, loves to yank open the refrigerator door, standing in its wake to gaze inside,
proclaiming, “Hmm….what I like?”
I feel like him today and other rare days when I actually have free
time, a priceless commodity in my perhaps too busy life. It’s nearly 9 a.m. a few days post-Christmas
and the second Monday of holiday break. Educators know the feeling: OMG break
is half over! I must do something to enjoy my time AND get stuff done.
Perhaps I am too much the queen of “getting stuff done” and need to become the princess of “process” days. Maybe what I really need is to take a bit
of time to evaluate Isaac’s big question:
“Hmm….what I like?”
What if today, instead of the errands/chores I could keep
myself busy with, I devoted a few hours to previously deemed “pointless”
creative pursuits. What would they be?
Here are a few ideas spontaneously offering themselves as I write:
- Play around with some ribbons, elastic etc to make headbands for sweet Eva, my 3 month old granddaughter. Crafting is always a time I get in flow.
- Make New Year’s cards, since I didn’t get around to Christmas cards.
- Cook! Research some autoimmune diet recipes so that I have yummy nutritious food to take even better care of myself.
- Shop, for veggies and ingredients for those recipes.
- Shop some more! I love getting deals on pretty Christmas wrap and haven’t indulged in this discount shopping time in years.
- Read! Whatever I feel like reading is fair game.
- Write down those ideas I’ve had for picture books. No pressure to start writing, but enjoying the freedom of brainstorming.
- Move! Whether it's going to Zumba tonight, or going for a spontaneous run, I will be sure to get my body moving as I feel the rewards immensely when I do.
Ah, yes, writing this has liberated the child in me who wants
to play today. I am off the computer now to decide where I’d like to begin. Who
joins me today in a morning of, “What I like?” What will you do if you give
yourself a choice to create and/or play?