I've been thinking lately about the process of getting my book published and wondering if it might be helpful to share that journey with those I connect with around the world. My rationale and motive: to inspire and encourage others to pursue their writing dreams!
I was about to write a post or do a podcast, my new favorite way of communicating, but then realized that I might not talk about what people really want to know. So, then, of course, my tangential mind thought of Voicethread as a way to collect your questions!
Here's how to ask away: either click the voicethread and post a comment there with voice or type, or leave your question here in the comments section. I will read all of the questions and do my best to address them when I record an upcoming podcast.
I look forward to sharing with you. Also, if you are a published author, please chime in and share your experiences! Thanks for visiting!
I am here to share ideas to reach all learners, building on student strengths and successes to empower active, independent learners. By utilizing strategies to excite, inspire and engage students, we can make a difference.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Are We Challenging Learners Enough?
Here is a picture of one of my former students who learned that he could be in charge of deciding if his work met his own standards. He gave himself 5 smilies :-) to celebrate his great work!
I am embarking on a new journey of using podcasts to supplement my print posts. If you click the link, "Are We Challenging Enough", at the bottom of this post you can listen to my latest thoughts and reflections about efficacy. Please listen and feel free to comment. Eventually I will figure out how to embed this podcast here, but for now this will take you to another place to hear the very brief audio.
Thanks so much!
Are We Challenging Enough?
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Setting up a New Classroom: Got Design Ideas?
So today I had a spontaneous idea, born out of my recently frequent dreams and mild panic attacks about teaching a new grade at a new school next year. Since I have connected with so many great educators and thinkers on Twitter, I thought, why not ask for a bit of help in designing the optimal classroom environment. I look forward to hearing what everyone has to say and contributing to a dialogue where other teachers can get ideas for their own classroom makeovers!
Thanks in advance for your great comments. This is a new adventure using voicethread, just click the individual pictures to hear what each person has to add!

Thanks in advance for your great comments. This is a new adventure using voicethread, just click the individual pictures to hear what each person has to add!

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